Hi there! For every engineer and developer the continious self-studying is a must. Everyday we read, try to solve problems and clarify the concepts, write the code and visualise the things, which help us to get an insights.

I am interested in Navigation and Positioning, Statistics, Autonomous vehicles and Robotics. These topics are huge, and what is more important, they are about future of humanity.

To summarize all the things, which I am doing and share the ideas I decided to post about it. It will be the way I document the things I find helpful. Every post will be devoted to the concept, algorithm or idea and include:

  • The code. It should be reproducible and easy to follow.
  • Typical usage scenarios. It should be clear where this concept can be applied.
  • Visualizations. I am strongly convinced that it is impossible to get an intuition behind the methodss without visualizations.

Also I am planning to write about the books, which I found helpful or motivating.

Thank you, and keep the track of your developments!